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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Are there certain things you simply cannot resist? You’re just going with the flow … doing what you always do … then suddenly you see “it” – the thing you can’t resist. That drives you crazy. If you’ve seen Lord of the Rings, think about Gollum, that creepy, big-eyed, bent-over hobbit who seemed generally calm until he saw “the ring”. Then he flew into a rage! Gollum couldn’t resist the ring and would do anything to get it.
Jesus found Himself with a “Gollum” in Capernaum while teaching in the synagogue one Sabbath. Suddenly, a demon possessed man flies into a rage at Jesus’ teaching. It would appear this man was a synagogue regular, attending each week without any issues. Then Jesus, the Son of God, shows up to teach. When God’s Word hits the man’s ears, the demons possessing him go crazy. Why? While they’ve heard many others speak, they know they aren’t God. They know they have no power over them. But Jesus is different. He is God. He is a real threat to their existence. They see Jesus and would do anything, not to have Him, but to get rid of Him. Their reaction is anger and panic rolled together.
Why? Because, unlike the unbelieving rabbis, Jesus has true power over them. He simply says, “Be silent and come out of him!” They couldn’t resist Jesus! They came out and left the man alone, unharmed. (Luke 4:35) Jesus and His Word, spoken in truth by His faithful people, are irresistible to Satan and his demons.
As long as Jesus and His Word are kept quiet, the demons are comfortable. They settle in to affect whatever lives they can. Drawing people away from God and His truth. But once Jesus comes into the scene … when His Word is spoken in truth, Satan and his demons cannot resist. They must flee! When you feel threatened by Satan and his demons you have one weapon, the Holy One of God and His Word. Use them to send Satan away!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Jim